If you follow my IG account, you probably already know I have been on a Major plateau lately. If you don't follow me there-----"Hi, i have been on a plateau......for a LONG time"!
Like Months. It didn't bother me at first, i know it comes with this weight loss journey. But its been bothering me lately and REALLY starting to affect my mindset.
So I was not dedicated those entire 3 years to my weight loss. But you get the point! :)
Its been a pretty smooth ride so far. NOT easy....but smooth! No major plateaus // If i messed up my nutrition i got right back on track // I had a good mindset // I was excited going toward my goals!
Lately, Not so much!! Am i still working out-YES!! However, this plateau I have been on seems to be slowly affecting my mindset and old habits are starting to come back.
What bad habits am i talking about?
Lately If I eat something "sassy" I have been getting that mentality of saying "Screw it, ill start over tomorrow". I have been munching more on Gwens snacks. It was easy when she was a baby and ate baby food and baby snacks. *lol* I mean, who wants to eat that?? NOW, she is eating "normal" food and I have been finding myself giving her some snacks, and putting a few in my mouth. "Oh leftovers-Ill eat the rest of your grilled cheese"! I have been getting a "i don't give a rip" attitude in general.
Does this mean I'm eating whatever I want all day long, NO! I AM however eating a few things I shouldn't, and its been a mental battle to get right back on track -vs- saying "ill start over tomorrow". Why are these things all of a sudden happening to my mind 3 years into my journey?? I blame my Plateau! YES I am placing the blame on my plateau. LOL!
Those are the facts. NOW what am i going to do about it? Throw in the towel? No! I need to make a PLAN and go full force with it. I am NOT a quitter, even though there are days where i want to be, but I have come too far to quit.
What am i going to do to Break this plateau and get my mindset to where it was:
1. Continue exercising daily. (right now im Doing Turbo Fire) If i don't keep up with this, I am doomed. I know skipping one day, will lead to another and another. Every single morning I will workout and push myself MORE than I have previously.
2. Drink more water! WOW-I do not drink enough water. This is something I am determined to start doing like NOW!
3. NO more eating Gwens left overs. Even if its just a couple bites left and doesn't seem like a big deal...IT IS. Why? Because I'm usually not hungry when I eat them. *lol* I need to be AWARE of what I'm putting in my mouth, not just eating without even thinking about it. I'm sure any moms with toddlers can relate!
4. Nutrition!!! I will be Meal prepping on Sundays (like i normally do) and making a Meal plan of WHAT I'm going to eat. I notice when I have things planned out, i stick with it so much better. There is no guessing as to what I will eat for my next meal, its already planned out! I like it that way. I like structure!
5. And lastly, I will be digging deep into personal development, reading my bible more, being around like minded POSITIVE people. If your mind isn't feeling positive & inspiring, your journey will be A LOT harder. For me anyway! A negative mindset does NOT get you very far. I am blessed to be able to "work" with an amazing team who is positive and uplifting. I LOVE my challengers in my accountability groups because I see them working their butts off everyday and THEY keep ME going. I'm going to focus on the GOOD things, and let go of the BAD things.