Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How to stay on Track during Thanksgiving

 We all want to enjoy the Thanksiving, but of course we don't want to put on those holiday pounds. You can still enjoy Thanksgiving {and Christmas} without over indulging. Go in with a PLAN and a mind set of truly wanting to succeed. Have no regrets come New years Eve and have that SAME resolution you have every single year. MAKE this year different.

Here are some Tips to help you find balance without feeling like you are missing out. 


There is no reason to not stick to your normal workout schedule. Wake up a little early and just get it done! You will begin your day right off the bat on a healthy note. I know I plan to wake up the same time as i normal do (5:30 a.m.) and getting my workout done before Gwen wakes up.


Lets face it, if you skip breakfast to "save calories" you will just go into the Thanksgiving festivities starving and ultimately eat wayyyy to much. Eat a healthy balanced breakfast like you normally should be doing. A protein-a complex carb-and a healthy fat!!

Tip #3 Fill your plate with the BEST choices

Thanksgiving meals actually do have some great choices. Turkey white meat is an awesome staple for your plate. It’s lean and full of protein. Sweet potatoes are great choice as long as they aren’t loaded in butter, marshmallows, or brown sugar. Salads, fruits, & veggies are other good choices to stock up on.

Tip #3 Sample the Sassy foods
Its of course you can enjoy the foods you love in moderation. Fill your plate up with mostly healthy choices, and leave a little room for a couple samplings for the sassy things -as I like to call them. A few bites arent going to break your diet, just dont let it turn into a binge fest.

Tip #4 Stop when you are Full
 Eat slow. Savor each bite. The faster we eat, the MORE we eat because it takes a while for our stomachs to register we are full. When you feel like you are getting full, STOP eating. Dont feel like you need to finish your plate or "it tastes so good i want to finish" type of mentality.

TIP #5 Get back on Track

This is probably the most important Tip of them all. No matter what happens on Thanksgiving, get RIGHT back on track A.S.A.P.! Wake up Friday morning, drink lots of water, get your workout in, eat a healthy breakfast, and STAR FRESH!! Dont let this turn into a weekend long binge fest. You do not want to go into Monday, WHich is a BRAND new month, feeling bloated and Icky. Lets go into December knowing we did out BEST, and even if we didnt, we are right back on track!! Who's with me?

I hope these tips help you to make this the Healthiest Holidays Yet~

If you are want help getting back on Track in December, JOIN my December Fitness Challenge. I am NOW taking applications into the group.

CLICK on "APPLY to be in a challenge group" on my Home Page!! 

Lets make a plan TOGETHER and get you ready for New Years EVE!!!

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