Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Struggle Bus

I had to write a Blog post about what I am currently going through. Maybe it will help someone? Maybe it will help ME! Haha!
If you follow my IG account, you probably already know I have been on a Major plateau lately. If you don't follow me there-----"Hi, i have been on a plateau......for a LONG time"!
Like Months. It didn't bother me at first, i know it comes with this weight loss journey. But its been bothering me lately and REALLY starting to affect my mindset.

I have been on my weight loss journey for about 3 years now. During those 3 years I got pregnant, stopped working out, and didn't workout till Gwen was about 8 months. *sassy*
So I was not dedicated those entire 3 years to my weight loss. But you get the point! :)

Its been a pretty smooth ride so far. NOT easy....but smooth! No major plateaus // If i messed up my nutrition i got right back on track // I had a good mindset // I was excited going toward my goals!

Lately, Not so much!! Am i still working out-YES!! However, this plateau I have been on seems to be slowly affecting my mindset and old habits are starting to come back.

What bad habits am i talking about?
Lately If I eat something "sassy" I have been getting that mentality of saying "Screw it, ill start over tomorrow". I have been munching more on Gwens snacks. It was easy when she was a baby and ate baby food and baby snacks. *lol* I mean, who wants to eat that?? NOW, she is eating "normal" food and I have been finding myself giving her some snacks, and putting a few in my mouth. "Oh leftovers-Ill eat the rest of your grilled cheese"! I have been getting a "i don't give a rip" attitude in general.

Does this mean I'm eating whatever I want all day long, NO!  I AM however eating a few things I shouldn't, and its been a mental battle to get right back on track -vs- saying "ill start over tomorrow". Why are these things all of a sudden happening to my mind 3 years into my journey?? I blame my Plateau! YES I am placing the blame on my plateau. LOL! 

I get up at 5:30 A.M. every single morning when I don't feel like it, so I can get my workout in before Gwen wakes up. I eat right 80% of the time....and when MONTHS go by with no change on the scale, it can get quite discouraging. I know there are more ways to track your progress than by a number on the scale, But C'mon....cant i Lose just 1-2 pounds. Pretty Please!!!

Those are the facts. NOW what am i going to do about it? Throw in the towel? No! I need to make a PLAN and go full force with it. I am NOT a quitter, even though there are days where i want to be, but I have come too far to quit. 

What am i going to do to Break this plateau and get my mindset to where it was:

1. Continue exercising daily. (right now im Doing Turbo Fire) If i don't keep up with this, I am doomed. I know skipping one day, will lead to another and another. Every single morning I will workout and push myself MORE than I have previously.

2. Drink more water! WOW-I do not drink enough water. This is something I am determined to start doing like NOW!

3. NO more eating Gwens left overs. Even if its just a couple bites left and doesn't seem like a big deal...IT IS. Why? Because I'm usually not hungry when I eat them. *lol* I need to be AWARE of what I'm putting in my mouth, not just eating without even thinking about it. I'm sure any moms with toddlers can relate!

4. Nutrition!!! I will be Meal prepping on Sundays (like i normally do) and making a Meal plan of WHAT I'm going to eat. I notice when I have things planned out, i stick with it so much better. There is no guessing as to what I will eat for my next meal, its already planned out! I like it that way. I like structure!

5. And lastly, I will be digging deep into personal development, reading my bible more, being around like minded POSITIVE people. If your mind isn't feeling positive & inspiring, your journey will be A LOT harder. For me anyway! A negative mindset does NOT get you very far. I am blessed to be able to "work" with an amazing team who is positive and uplifting. I LOVE my challengers in my accountability groups because I see them working their butts off everyday and THEY keep ME going. I'm going to focus on the GOOD things, and let go of the BAD things. 

So that's my plan. I will of course keep you updated as time goes on. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this. Having support on my journey is AMAZING. I love you ALL and I hope someone can relate to what I am going through right now. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you hear all the time how motivating you are and how proud you should be of yourself buuuuut I will say it again lol...The part about the negative attitude really resonated with me and I feel like I really need to get it together. Sometimes I read your posts and feel really guilty bc I see how hard you work your butt off and here I am, off the wagon once again, for no reason! Smh anyway keep doing what you do...You are affecting lives in ways you'll never know:) ♡♡♡
