Saturday, October 15, 2016

Left: A week post partum after baby #2. 200+ pounds.
Right: 8 months post partum. 165 pounds!

There were days where I was insanely tired and SOOOOO unmotivated i almost convinced myself to settle.
🔯Meal prepping takes too much time.
🔯 Working out with two kids is too hard.
🔯 Being up several times with a baby is a good enough excuse to skip my workouts.
🔯 Healthy food is "expensive".
🔯 I'll change my bad habits but I'm "not ready" to right now.

I had a million excuses at my finger tips. And some days I used one of them. Lol! But if I took a step back, I dusted myself off and kept GOING! Looking back on the past 8 months, I'm so glad I didn't let excuses get the best of me. I had excuses until I was 27 years old why I couldn't change.
I like action better.

If you need encouragement or help, dont be afraid to reach out to me.